Retirement Cash Flow Blueprint

Create Cash Flow From Your Retirement Account Today!

A 30-Minute Course with the Tony Robbins of the stock market that gives the step by step process to generate cash flow from your retirement account without any additional risk.

You're closer
than you think

You know you can do more with your retirement than that 6-8% your money manager is getting you

And... you probably are wondering if you can manage it yourself

But guess what, you can actually create cash flow using your retirement account too!

You just need someone to show you exactly how to do that without adding more risk.


This Course Is the Complete Guide To...

Cashflow Crash Course is the start-to-finish course

Show you exactly how to create monthly cash flow from your retirement account using assets you most likely already have, without adding any additional risk.

This will give you the confidence to pay for that trip, car, house item, or dream retirement every month, without eating into your existing retirement funds.

"My 401k is up 56% since I started with you in January!! I've been smart and careful with that account and it has paid off! You're the best, You're life changing!

- Eric

Imagine using your retirement account to..

create monthly, tax-free, cashflow

to pay for that new car payment you’ve been dreaming about.

Here’s what that really means

  • No more feeling powerless when it comes to your retirement account

  • With this simple, but underused strategy, you’ll now have the power to make your money work harder for you without adding additional risk

  • No more thinking you don’t have enough to live off of!

  • You’ll learn that you can create cash-flow off your assets and even get double the rate of return on your money!

  • And no more thinking “I can’t afford to lose any of my retirement”

  • While learning how to make more money in your retirement, you’ll simultaneously learn how to PROTECT it.

That’s right… increase the rate of return you get on your retirement, actually create monthly cashflow AND learn how to protect it when the markets are going down.

Imagine using your retirement account to...

create monthly tax-free cash flow

to pay for that new car payment

you’ve been dreaming about.

Here’s what that really means

  • No more feeling powerless when it comes to your retirement account.

  • With this simple, but underused strategy, you’ll now have the power to make money work harder for you without adding additional risk.

  • No more thinking you don’t have enough to live off of!

  • You’ll learn that you can create cash flow off your assets and even get double the rate of return on your money!

  • And no more thinking “I can’t afford to lose any of my retirement.”

  • While learning how to make more money in your retirement, you’ll simultaneously learn how to PROTECT it.

That’s right…increase the rate of return you get on your retirement, actually create monthly cash flow AND learn how to protect it when the markets are going down.

Creating at least a car payment's worth of cash flow from you existing retirement account in minutes is doable


Let me show you how!

Here's How It Works


Enroll in Cash Flow Crash Course

With one easy click.


Watch and work through the short course module

Make sure to pause, and actively take steps in your existing retirement account with no additional risk.


Create cash flow in minutes with your retirement account

With no additional risk

While learning how to self manage your retirement accounts

And… make more than your money manager is making you… tax free

What’s Inside The Retirement Cash Flow Blueprint

Section 1:

Self manage with confidence by using the right brokerage

We’ll share with you the brokers and the step-by-step instructions for how to actually use them to follow this simple strategy on your own.

You’ll start creating monthly tax-free cash flow in as little as 20 minutes a month.



Section 2:

How to pick the right stock or ETF that will give you the greatest return on your retirement money

The three simple criteria we use to reduce risk and simultaneously increase your gains.

Never worry about tracking the hottest trend again and stop worrying about tracking the stock market.

Section 3:

Create cash flow and protect yourself during market corrections

Learn the simple secrets used to create generational wealth, monthly cash flow, and that dream retirement you didn’t think was attainable


Ready to make your retirement account
work even harder for you and...

Ready to make your retirement account work even harder for you and...

generate enough cash flow this month to give you a 4000% ROI on your small investment in this course?

The decision is now!

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"6 months ago, I left behind my job as a high school principal and began to learn trading the markets through the support of Jerremy Newsome and the RLT. My life hasn't been the same since. I now have the time to enjoy my family, unlimited income potential, and I am able to pursue my passion of day trading. If you've ever wanted to learn trading, look no further than RLT. They changed my life and it can happen for you too"

- Jeremy H.

Plus! You’ll get access to everything you’ll need to guide you, and answer questions.

Questions you didn’t even know you had yet!

RETIREMENT Cash flow workbook

Step-by-Step guide covering video topics

As Jerremy teaches topics, you can follow along in real-time. Learning the details of how to self manage your IRA and create cash flow by renting out your assets.

retire in 90 days ebook

Reimagine when and what retirement could look like for you and your family

Decades of learning and teaching, all distilled down into this fun ebook that shows you how to create over $250k/year using your retirement assets.

roi calculator and trade journal

See your ROI before you make your trade

Remove concerns and doubts with this handy ROI calculator that gives you the confidence you need as you go into your trades.

Master Yourself, Master the Markets E-Book

How to find internal greatness that leads to financial freedom

Most of the success around money comes from internal success. Changing the relationship you have with yourself is key and this book helps with just that.

The Beginner guide to long-term investing

Over three hours of Jerremy Newsome, the Tony Robbins of the stock market, explaining how to make long-term investing easy

By the end of this course, you will…

  • Learn how to “rent” out the assets you already have in your retirement account to create monthly tax-free cash flow with no additional risk!

  • Feel empowered to self manage your retirement account and know the steps to take

  • Learn how to double the return on your money by self managing your own retirement accounts

  • Protect your retirement account against market corrections and still make cash flow when the markets are going down.

  • Feel confident you can live the dream retirement you’ve always wanted but didn’t think you had enough money to live

Who IS A good fit for

Retirement Cash Flow?

  • You want to squeeze more money and life out of your retirement but have no idea how or what to do.

  • You know you're smart enough to learn anything.

  • You currently pay a money manager and only get 5% on your money after their fees.

  • You value step-by-step directions on how to make smarter choices with your retirement.

  • You own a house and have an IRA but don’t think you have enough money to retire on.

Who is NOT A good fit for Retirement Cash Flow?

  • You create monthly cash flow by renting out your assets in your retirement account.

  • You don't think you're smart enough to learn something new, so would rather pay a premium for someone else to do it for you.

  • You’re able to get 10-20% on your retirement money with no additional risk by focusing on the top big stocks or ETFs.

  • You’re not interested in spending an hour a month managing your own retirement money.

  • You’re okay just making 5-6% after fees on your retirement account.

You don’t need to be a millionaire

to live like one NOW

If you’re overwhelmed with the thought of managing your own retirement and afraid you don’t have enough money…

Unlock Monthly Cash Flow Today!

Discover how Retirement Cash Flow Blueprint can help you leverage your existing assets to create monthly income and live the retirement of your dreams. Take action now and transform your IRA into a reliable cash flow generator!

If you’re 100% committed to spending just a few hours learning a new skill that will help you make more and protect more of your retirement, we promise to make the “how” simple and fun to learn.

You’ll be able to leave this course having created at least enough cash flow to pay for that new car payment.

Just 30 Minutes To Learn A Lifelong, Repeatable, Money-Making Method

Using Your Retirement Account with Zero Additional Risk

Using Your Retirement Account
to Create Cash FLow with

ZERO Additional Risk

With A 4000% ROI??*

*Based on average of $300k in a retirement account that can be self managed

Retirement Cash Flow Blueprint Will Transform Your Retired Lifestyle.

It’s Officially AVAILABLE For Purchase NOW!

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"My account is double today from where it was on Sept 1st. I am undoubtedly a better trader! Today I crushed it with 35% gains. I share this for anyone that is sitting there questioning whether they should learn how to trade or understand the markets. This reward I'm experiencing, is so worth the time spent learning with RLT!"

- Miloni K.

Here’s what you’ll get

When you sign up for the this life changing course

  • The Entire Retirement Cash Flow 3-Step Framework

To go from just hoping your retirement account increases in value to generating monthly cash flow off investments you already own by renting them out for a period of time.

  • The library of how-to PDFs

That spell out in detail how to self manage your retirement account and take action using the framework

  • The Covered Call ROI Calculator

Prepare to make your trades with confidence and know what your best and worst case scenarios are

  • Both Ebooks by Jerremy Newsome

Where Jerremy Newsome walks you through how using this strategy can help you start living the retired life of your dreams just leveraging your existing retirement account in creative ways

This is a clear roadmap to create cash flow from your retirement without added risk and achieve a better return on your money than you're currently getting from your money manager. Guaranteed!

(A $1800 Value)


These Bonuses To Help You Make EVEN More Money Using Your Retirement Account


Trader Psychology Training

($495 value)

5 video course taught by Jerremy and his wife that gives you tangible trainings to help you master your mind.


How to Analyze Markets

($997 value)

This course helps you learn to read the charts of the market which is an essential part of being able to make money with confidence

When You Add It All Up, That’s A Total Value of $3,292

  • The entire Retirement Cash Flow 3-step Framework (Value of ($1700)

  • How-To PDF Library (Value of $80)

  • Retire in 90 Days Ebook (Value of $10)

  • Hours of e-learning modules to help you make the most of your investments (Value at $1492)

But you can get inside Cashflow Crash Course is today for… 👇

But you can get

inside Retirement Cash Flow

today for… 👇

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No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee

No questions asked, money-back guarantee within 14 days of your purchase. You have nothing to lose and thousands of tax-free dollars to gain. For more details on this special guarantee, click here.

Got Questions??? Here’s What Other Retirees Have Asked Before Buying This Cash Flow Course

Why are you selling such a valuable strategy for so little money?

We don’t believe financial education should be shared only with the wealthy. And we also know you’ll do the work if you put some skin (aka money) in the game. This course is guaranteed to help you create money fast, with no additional risk.

How much time realistically does this take to learn and do?

If you follow along with the video, pausing to do it yourself, it should take you less than hour to create your first round of cash flow. Moving forward, about an hour a month to start really making more cashflow and smart investments on your own.

Is this for novice investors?

This course is for anyone that has had a successful career, and is wanting to learn something new to do with their retirement free time. This is second grade math, done consistently to generate large amounts of returns for you in your retirement.

I’m afraid of getting overwhelmed!

This is a beginners course, with a simple strategy that you can do in minutes to create cash flow from your existing retirement account. Take it slow, and have fun!

What’s the return policy?

100% satisfaction guarantee or else your money back… no questions asked.

What about handling trends in the market that are unforeseen?

This is a beginner course but does show you how to make more money in your retirement and how to protect that money during times of market volatility.

Ready to make your retirement account
work even harder for you and...

Ready to make your retirement account work even harder for you and...

generate enough cash flow this month to give you a 4000% ROI on your small investment in this course?

The decision is now!

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Imagine being able to live and travel using your retirement money with no additional risk

That is the life that is so attainable right now, using this cash flow framework.

When you learn how to buy stock in big companies at the right time, then rent out that stock for cash flow, and protect your assets during changes in the market, you’re able to do so much with your retired life!

The Retirement Cash Flow Framework is simple, yet effective!

It’s the exact strategy I’ve been using over the past decade to generate millions of dollars for myself, my friends, and clients.

This course is the how-to guide so you can feel empowered to manage your money and make it work for you, enabling you to live the retired life of your dreams.

My hope is you start to live that life as soon as possible, and I created this framework to help you do just that.

May your life be enriched!
All my best,

Jerremy Newsome

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