Learn how to generate extra income while keeping your day job. Pay off debt, invest in your future, working only 2 hours a week "swing trading".
Over 5 hours of online classes
Downloadable PDF Workbook
Learn how to generate extra income while keeping your day job. Pay off debt, invest in your future, working only 2 hours a week.
Starter strategy for swing trading (holding stocks for a few days or weeks.)
Specific screening tools to use to find stocks that are moving.
Exact entry/exit criteria for the strategy.
4 types of broker orders.
What You Will Learn:
How to Scan for Patterns
Intro to Candlestick and Hammers
Examples of Scanning
What is a Credit Spread?
Two Types of Credit Spreads
How to Setup in Your Broker
How to Calculate Risk and Share Size
When Do You Sell?
Back trade
4 Main Types of Broker Orders
Set Up a Target and Stop Loss Order
Set Up a Think or Swim Order
Shorter Term Credit Spreads
High Probability Setup
The Moving Averages
Setting Up a Trading Plan
CEO of RLT, Professional Stock Trader
Considered one of the leading global minds on Stock Market education. Jerremy
acutely recognizes trends and patterns in the stock market, and via
mentorship, he helps others understand how to make the mental shift in
trading the financial markets successfully. With 12 years of trading
experience, Jerremy will help you completely revitalize your financial
Trading in the stock market takes
too much time; I can't do that.
I don't have enough money to start trading.
I am too busy. I don't know how to trade; I'm not smart enough.
Trading takes hours a year.
You do not have enough money because you do not learn to trade and invest.
Anyone can trade, with any amount of knowledge or time.
We are a stock trading education company. Our goal is to teach and empower people to create generational wealth to enrich their lives and communities.